Talent Society
February 20, 2012
We’re living in the middle of an amazing era of individualism. A few
generations ago, it was considered shameful for people to have children unless
they were married. But as Jason DeParle and Sabrina Tavernise reported in The
Times on Saturday, these days, more than half of the births to women under 30
occur outside of marriage.
In 1957, 57 percent of those surveyed said that they believed that
adults who preferred to be single were “immoral” or “neurotic.” But today, as
Eric Klinenberg reminds us in his book, “Going Solo,” more than 50 percent of
adults are single. Twenty-eight percent of households nationwide consist of
just one person. There are more single-person households than there are
married-with-children households. In cities like Denver, Washington and
Atlanta, more than 40 percent of the households are one-person dwellings. In
Manhattan, roughly half the households are solos.
A few generations ago, most people affiliated with one of the major
parties. But now more people consider themselves independent than either
Republican or Democrat. A few generations ago, many people worked for large
corporations and were members of a labor union. But now lifetime employment is
down and union membership has plummeted.
A few generations ago, teenagers went steady. But over the past decades,
the dating relationship has been replaced by a more amorphous hook-up culture.
A few generations ago, most people belonged to a major religious denomination.
Today, the fastest-growing religious category is “unaffiliated.”
The trend is pretty clear. Fifty years ago, America was groupy. People
were more likely to be enmeshed in stable, dense and obligatory relationships.
They were more defined by permanent social roles: mother, father, deacon.
Today, individuals have more freedom. They move between more diverse, loosely
structured and flexible networks of relationships.
People are less likely to be trapped in bad marriages and bad
situations. They move from network to network, depending on their individual
needs at the moment. At the same time, bonds are probably shallower and more
We can all think of reasons for this transformation. Affluence: people
have more money to live apart if they want to. Feminism: women have more power
to define their own lives. The aging society: more widows and widowers live
alone. The information revolution: the Internet and smartphones make it easier
to construct far-flung, flexible networks. Skepticism: more people believe that
marriage is not for them.
But if there is one theme that weaves through all the different causes,
it is this: The maximization of talent. People want more space to develop their
own individual talents. They want more flexibility to explore their own
interests and develop their own identities, lifestyles and capacities. They are
more impatient with situations that they find stifling.
Many people have argued that these changes have led to a culture of
atomization, loneliness and self-absorption. That’s overdrawn. In “Going Solo,”
Klinenberg nicely shows that people who live alone are more likely to visit
friends and join social groups. They are more likely to congregate in and
create active, dynamic cities.
It’s more accurate to say that we have gone from a society that
protected people from their frailties to a society that allows people to
maximize their talents.
The old settled social structures were stifling to many creative and
dynamic people (and in those days discrimination stifled people even more). But
people who were depressed, disorganized and disadvantaged were able to lead
lives enmeshed in supportive relationships.
Today, the fast flexible and diverse networks allow the ambitious and
the gifted to surf through amazing possibilities. They are able to construct
richer, more varied lives. They are able to enjoy interesting information-age
workplaces and then go home and find serenity in a one-bedroom apartment.
On the other hand, people who lack social capital are more likely to
fall through the cracks. It takes effort, organization and a certain set of
skills to surf these new, protean social networks. People who are unable to
make the effort or lack social capital are more likely to be alone. As
Klinenberg and others have shown, this is especially likely to happen to
solitary middle-aged men, who are more likely to lack the drive and the social
facilities to go out and make their own friendship circles.
Over all, we’ve made life richer for the people who have the social
capital to create their own worlds. We’ve also made it harder for the people
who don’t — especially poorer children.
These trends are not going to reverse themselves. So maybe it’s time to
acknowledge a core reality: People with skills can really thrive in this
tenuous, networked society. People without those advantages would probably be
better off if we could build new versions of the settled, stable and thick
arrangements we’ve left behind.
artículo de David Brooks es fantástico.
Al leerlo me emocionó su contenido por su singularidad y como tal, es un tema que yo no había reflexionado y que
es de primerísima importancia para entender el comportamiento social de los
jóvenes y jóvenes maduros (adultescentes) de ahora.
es posible que la gente ahora prefiera permanecer solo? ¿Cómo explicarnos que las tasas de matrimonio
son declinantes y que la mayor parte de los nacimientos se realizan fuera del
matrimonio en los EUA?
el libro que comenta Brooks (GOING SOLO,
de Eric
Klinenberg), en la actualidad ya no
rigen los roles tan definidos de antes (padre,
madre, empleado, maestro) y las
personas son más exigentes y a la vez más flexibles: exigentes respecto a sus
deseos y derechos a vivir solos y flexibles para hacer uso más variado y libre
de su soledad social (vive cada vez más y más intensamente una realidad virtual). En conclusión del autor del libro, la gente vive cada vez más su vida y menos
importancia le concede a su vida social:
son menos gregarias que antes.
Mucho menos.
Otro aspecto sobresaliente y que me atrajo
poderosamente es que Klinenberg (según lo apunta David Brooks) manifiesta que
estamos en una sociedad que concede amplísimas opciones a las personas que
tienen una buena dotación de habilidades (capital de conocimiento). Más
precisamente: que demanda de las
personas una amplísima dotación de este capital tan valioso y cada vez más
competido. En contrario: castiga (excluye) a las personas que carecen
de las competencias de la postmodernidad.
Poseer este capital de conocimiento da opciones
de vida independiente (no asalariada) y muy variada en oportunidades de
creación de productos (especialmente mentefacturas) y una gama muy amplia y
atractiva de esparcimiento. Y como no se
tienen cargas económicas de casa y familia,
entonces es muy amplio el gasto que puede dedicarse a la satisfacción de
gustos y aficiones personales. Y una
cosa aclaro: el autor del libro y Brooks
insisten que estas modalidades de vida actual las ejercen por igual los hombres
y las mujeres. Y lo que usted
imagina, lector, es una realidad: su libertinaje (si me
permite esta expresión ¿anticuada?) conduce a un número impresionantemente
grande de hogares uniparentales.
En suma:
el artículo obliga a leerlo y si puede adquirir el libro GOING
SOLO, hágalo. Para que me lo preste después. Se lo agradeceré mucho.
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